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Our Hidden Stories 2016

At this time of year, you’ll see a lot of titles like ‘Our favourite stories of the year’ or ‘What you loved in 2016.’ But we figured that if they’re the favourites, you’ve probably already seen them, so why not show you the ones you haven’t! Here’s a list of our hidden gems, the conservation features that you might not have seen.



Scottish Wildcat - Peter Cairns - Conjour Conservation Report IV

They’re in depth, well researched, have great interviews with beautiful photos, and are of some amazing species that everyone deserves to know more about.

Blakistons Fish Owl - Banner

Blakiston’s Fish Owl

This was actually the first conservation article we ever published, and it looks at the plight of one of the world’s largest owls. Based in Russia, Jonathan Slaght has become an unintended face of the species, and we asked him a few questions on the work underway – here’s an excerpt:

“The riparian forests used by fish owls in the southern Russian Far East are also used by wild boar, red deer, sika deer, and roe deer,” he explains. “In turn, concentrations of these ungulates attract Amur tigers. That’s what beautiful about the road closure work — we can protect so many species with one single, relatively simple action.”

Read it here

Golden Lion Tamarin - Conjour - Nicole Miller

Golden Lion Tamarin

The Golden lion tamarin is one of the most endearing, and most endangered, species in the world. Its golden hair complements its playful personality, and the fight has been on for a number of years now to save it. Numbers had dropped to just a few hundred in the wild before an international cooperative captive breeding program was begun, and successful releases followed.

Here, we interview the senior keeper of primates at Adelaide Zoo – one of the many organisations contributing to the fightback of this beautiful animal.

Read it here.

javan slow loris wild conservation report Conjour

Javan Slow Loris

Whilst more and more of us have become familiar with the adorable Loris, this fact in itself has created more of a problem for the captivating species. The exotic pet trade is taking its toll, and in this report we interview Chris Wiggs from International Animal Rescue. He says they’re currently caring for 61 Javan slow loris individuals at their rehabilitation centre.

Read it here.

Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Conjour Conservation Article Single

Rusty Patched Bumble Bee

The bee is an insect that has come more into the spotlight in recent times, with the wider community beginning to understand the critical element to their survival. Humans will be in a lot of trouble if the world loses its bees, and here we look into one species in particular – the Rusty Patched bumble bee – and talk to Sarina Jepsen from Xerces about what is being done to save it.

Read it here.

Love wildlife? Enjoyed our Hidden Stories 2016? Share this with your friends to spread the word about the plight of endangered species around the world, and subscribe to our newsletter below!

Captions and credits for images, from top-down:
Scottish Wildcat – Photograph (c) Peter Cairns
Blakiston’s Fish Owl – Photograph (c) Jonathan Slaght/WSC Russia
Golden Lion Tamarin – Watchful: Photograph (c) Nicole Miller, Adelaide Zoo
Javan Slow Loris – Wild: Photograph (c) International Animal Rescue
Rusty Patch Bumble Bee – Photograph (c) Rich Hatfield & Sarina Jepsen, Xerces Society.


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